We finally threw our housewarming party at the beginning of summer, and do I have photos of this joyous event? Of course not. I think we were too busy to think about it at the time. Our backyard has transformed from a complete mudpit to only 3/4ths of one now, as Paul's parents hauled over a bunch of sod they no longer needed. I am too embarrassed to even post a photo of our cracked-out looking backyard right now. Someday it will look nice, but it ain't happening anytime soon.
As for the front yard, well, that was an experiment gone wrong. We had this great idea of throwing down a ton of wildflower seed mixed with cover crop seed, and it turned into a crazy looking jungle. The grasses that sprouted kicked up Paul's allergies so badly that I wound up ripping it all out; then a disc popped in my lower back from being hunched over for 2 hrs. but that is a story for another time.
In July we went to Bend for 4th of July weekend/Paul's birthday and spent it with our good friends, Rebecca, Frank, and Hunter.
In late July we went on a 10-family camping trip to the coast. It turned out to be much better than we could have imagined, especially with all of the kids running around! The kids took care of each other while the adults ignored them and drank cocktails. Did I just say that out loud?
Despite the icy temperatures of the Pacific, August still plunged in with all of his clothes on.
You can hear how windy it was that day. Despite the wind, August loves the beach:
One of my best friend's from undergrad got married earlier this summer and had a party in Colorado, which I went to with another college friend (2nd solo vacation this year--sorry Paul! You go next, promise). It was amazing to be back in the Colorado mountains again and I forgot how stunning it is there. Leslie and I hiked to Strawberry Lake Hot Springs and relaxed for a while before hiking back to the car.
August turned 2 on August 12th and we had a small party for him in our backyard. We are still enjoying the remains of his gelato cake!
August and his best buddy, Oliver Danger:
Blowing out the candles:
Grandma and Grandpa Uusitalo were brave enough to take us up on the challenge of watching August while Paul and I took off to Burning Man at the end of the summer. They all did great and I don't think August really missed us all that much, which is a good sign of how much fun they all had. Pictures of Burning Man still to come!
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